The Revitalization Program can be used for any type of Jaw Pain (TMJ Disorder), Neck Pain (localized or radiating) Cervicogenic Headaches/Migraines, Dizziness and other head symptoms such as brain fog or fatigue.
> TMJ Disorder (or Ear Symptoms)
Do you experience jaw pain that is present during meals, conversations or constantly? Maybe you feel like your ear is clogged, or that it aches or rings? Or maybe it's popping shifting or cracking? You would be one of the thousands of people I've worked with who had the exact issues! This program has everything I learned over the past decade about getting people out of TMJ Dysfunction.
> Neck Pain (or Shoulder/Arm Pain)
Do you have neck pain or stiffness in the center (or one side) of the neck, tops of shoulders, shoulder blades or arms? So many people spend their time massaging their muscles or stretching/strengthening their neck the wrong way! This is a highly effective program against persistent neck, shoulder or arm pain.
> Headaches/Migraines (or dizziness or blurred vision)
Maybe you have headaches, brain fog, dizziness, and you're just uncomfortable. Maybe a lump in the throat or nausea or blurred vision. There are many reasons I have found that can cause all this (and prevent it from going away). In this program you'll learn how to target the root cause and directly address these symptoms... and keep them from continuing to return.