
Neck & Shoulder Pain

Do you experience nagging neck pain, pain with movement, achy shoulders and upper back or difficulty sleeping?

You may have also noticed a combination of headaches, radiating arm pain, dizziness or jaw pain. This is because when it comes to the Head, Neck and Jaw… it all works together. Which is why the Revitalization program places focus on the main problem area, AND rehabilitates the function of the entire system. If we don’t take this approach, you will NOT break the LOOP. Instead it will be a rollercoaster of relief and relapse… sound familiar?

Does this sound like you?

  • Pain prevents you from living in the moment…
  • Every time you ignore it, it comes back worse again…
  • Confused because of different explanations from different people…
Start My Free Trial

Neck & Shoulder Pain

Do you experience nagging neck pain, either constant or with movement, achy shoulders, upper back or even difficulty sleeping?

You may have also noticed brain fog, headaches, radiating arm pain, dizziness or jaw pain too. If so, this is very common.... because it all works together. Which is why the Revitalization program places focus on the main problem area, AND rehabilitates the the entire system. If we don’t take this approach, you will NOT break the LOOP. Instead it will be a rollercoaster of relief and relapse… 

Does this sound like you?

  • Pain prevents you from living in the moment…
  • Every time you ignore it, it comes back worse again…
  • Confused because of different explanations from different people…
Start My Free Trial

Here are some common reasons neck pain may have lasted longer than it should:

  • Medial Imaging led you to believe there is nothing you can do about it (but surgery) so you did nothing and it got worse.
  • You’ve tried Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Massage, YouTube Exercises etc. which helped in short-term but you were never taught how to fix the root cause for long term success.
  • You (or a someone else) chalked it up to stress or your nervous system… so you tried meditation, deep breathing, even supplements with no luck, and gave up on that “woo-woo” stuff.
  • A family member or friend, told you that everybody gets Neck and Shoulder pain, so you just accepted it… but you’re starting to resent that sentiment.
  • You went to the doctor who prescribed harmful painkillers or injections. They temporarily eased the pain, and once it wore off... you were back where you started.
  • You’re busy and figured the time commitment to fix this isn’t realistic (“plus, it will probably go away on it’s own”). Or maybe you’ve had past failures and are doubting yourself? You don’t want to waste money, so you never took action...

Why is the Head, Neck & Jaw Revitalization Program so effective for Chronic Neck Pain?

Neck pain followed by medical imaging showing an issue, makes it easy to assume THAT'S the cause… but research has shown otherwise. That's why, we focus on hidden restrictions and movement dysfunctions that built up over time causing you to feel this way.

You may have already tried, unknowingly, the most effective exercises for YOU… so why didn’t they help? Because the key driver of success is not WHAT, but HOW everything fits into a system. Our signature process will do that thinking for you.

Your nervous system, NOT your muscles and joints, makes the final decision on what you feel. So even if you’ve fixed your body… a dysfunctional nervous system will keep you stuck in the loop, feeling confused. We implement a plan to rewrite your neuroplasticity.

Experienced past failures? Most members have, reason being, these attempts did take into account YOU!  This program is easily implemented at home, work, hotel rooms, even on the couch! Plus, whether a novice or tried it all, the program will meet your body at its current state.

Our root cause approach leaves no stone unturned, the truth is you’re stuck in a LOOP and if you miss one piece, the loop persists. You’ll be having ‘aha’ moments every day, uncovering hidden blockers that kept you from reaching your goals… until now!

Our philosophy is to squeeze out every last drop of physical freedom from your body. Dr. Joe promises you 100% effort, and if you’re up for it… we will find out what YOUR 100% really feels like.

Experience The Revitalization Membership

Exclusive Member Benefits include tools and strategies that amplify breakthroughs, and get you feeling like yourself again ASAP!

Dr. Joseph

Musculoskeletal Rewrite 'Signature Process'

You will learn:

  • How to properly select ‘root cause’ neck exercises that eliminate symptoms.
  • How to implement simple neck pain strategies despite having a busy life (or traveling).
  • How to eliminate restrictions preventing you from fixing your posture.

In short: when your musculoskeletal system isn’t operating cohesively, there is a domino effect of dysfunction. Many people try to fix only the piece that ‘hurts’, setting themselves up for failure. Utilizing our Signature Process you can rest assured that all your bases are covered!

Neuroplasticity Rewrite 'Signature Process'

You will learn:

  • How to rewrite nervous system dysfunction despite the chaos of life always pulling you in different directions.
  • How to desensitize a hypersensitive nervous system so neck symptoms aren’t triggered with every little thing.
  • ​How to eliminate limiting beliefs and negative emotions… even if failure has been part of your journey.

In short: your nervous system receives signals from tissues (muscles & joints) and determines if should experience (pain, dizziness, fatigue, relief, euphoria etc.). Sometimes, it gets confused (or overprotective).. putting you in pain even in the absence of tissue injury. Using our signature process you can retrain it to SERVE YOU instead of the other way around!

Dr. Joseph
Dr. Joseph

Foundations: Sleep & Energy + Lifestyle & Habits

You will learn:

  • How to get a good night's sleep without having to focus so much on the perfect pain-free position.
  • How to form new pain-free habits that will excite you… and that your busy lifestyle can’t break.
  • ​How to avoid exacerbations so you can enjoy quality time WITHOUT pain and symptoms always joining the party.

In short: Learn how to rebuild your foundation for optimal head, neck and jaw function. Without mastering this... the rest of your efforts will be in vain as our habits and lifestyle determine the state of our existence.

Group Calls: Q&A + Masterclasses:

Weekly Q&A Sessions
After seeing thousands of patients for TMJ Disorder, Neck Pain, Headaches, Dizziness, and Shoulder Pain Dr. Joe realized just how much overlap exists. Q&A sessions give you the opportunity to ask him questions directly and learn from others with similar (or the exact same) issues.

Monthly Masterclasses
Unlock your full potential with masterclasses providing expert insights, problem-solving strategies, and the latest advancements in treatment approaches. We dive deep into different aspects of holistic wellness and chronic pain/symptoms, offering you a diverse range of tools and techniques to take control of your life again.

Member Community & Accountability

The Member Community is a dedicated space (similar to a Facebook Group) where shared experiences create a supportive environment primed for problem-solving shortcuts. If desired, we will connect you with an accountability partner to further foster motivation and commitment ensuring you achieve your personal goals. .

Join our community, a place that understands, supports, and propels you toward the life you demand.

The Revitalization Program is made up of sufferers who are driven to achieve MORE for their life…

…the ones who don’t want to live as a shell of themself, but instead, BECOME the person they once were... again.  That's who this is for…

And if you’ve read all the way up to this point, then odds are, YOU are one of those people…

And I’d love to have you be part of Revitalization Membership.

But don’t feel like you have to commit to anything right now. I’m not asking for a contract or anything like that. All you have to do is say “maybe” and test-drive the Physioloops Program FREE for 7 days and see for yourself!


Try It Out For FREE

...Just For Trying Out The Program (for Free), You'll Receive The 4 FREE Gifts Below (Yours To Keep)!

$99 | per month

But You Can Start Today for FREE!


7-Day FREE Trial to the 
'Physioloops Head, Neck & Jaw Revitalization Program' which includes:

  • All the 'Member Benefits'
    • Musculoskeletal Rewrite Signature Process;
    • Neuroplasticity Rewrite Signature Process;
    • Foundations: Sleep & Energy + Lifestyle & Habits;
    • Group Calls: Weekly Q&A;
    • Monthly Masterclass;
    • Member Community & Accountability.

Four FREE gifts which include:

  • Dr. Joe's LIVE Evaluation for TMJ, Headaches & Neck Pain;
  • Postural Harmony Masterclass;
  • ​​Optimal Sleep Guide for Head, Neck & Jaw Pain Relief;
  • EXTRA BONUS GIFT: Head Neck & Jaw 'Pain Diary'.
Start your free trial

Real Stories From Real People Just Like You


Migraines & Neck Pain


“The best thing that I have done…I wish I’d found it sooner, it’s life changing. Before joining the Physioloops program I’d been suffering from migraines for years.”


Dizziness & Headaches


“I feel so much better, I feel recovered, I feel fearless and unstoppable. I got my life back from dizziness, harsh neck pain, constant ear fullness, headaches… I just felt off all the time.”


TMJ, Headaches & Neck Pain


“Lifechanging! In 3 months my life is totally different. Being able to yawn and open my mouth all the way without my jaw shifting, popping, cracking all the time… It opened up a whole new life that I didn't expect to live again.”


Headaches & Dizziness


“Physioloops was exactly what I needed. It was personalized, I got the support I needed, it was affordable… I have no doubt that if you try it, you will benefit from it.”

Betsan's image
Migraines & Neck Pain
Irana's image
Dizziness & Headaches
Renee's image
TMJ, Headaches & Neck Pain
Brenda's image
Headaches & Dizziness
You Can Be A Success Story Too


Dr. Joseph

If you have any questions, I'm one message away