A Comprehensive Guide for Dizziness: Causes and Treatments dizziness Aug 15, 2024


Dizziness can be a disorienting and distressing experience, affecting your balance and overall well-being. Whether it's a sudden episode or a persistent issue, understanding the underlying...

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How to Know if You Have Cervicogenic Dizziness dizziness Jun 27, 2024

Cervicogenic dizziness is a condition where dizziness arises from problems in the neck. This type of dizziness can often be overlooked or misdiagnosed because its symptoms are similar to those of...

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Is My Pain Coming From The Neck or Shoulder? neck pain shoulder pain Jun 12, 2024

The neck and shoulder have a close relationship, so naturally, the feeling of shoulder pain or loss of movement could actually be coming from the neck. To determine if the pain is coming from the...

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Everything You Need For An Ergonomically Correct Workspace dizziness headaches neck pain shoulder pain tmj disorder Apr 30, 2024

Sitting at a desk all day can catch up to you quickly if you don't have a proper workspace set-up. We know that the perfect ergonomic workspace supports your body in a neutral position...

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6 Strategies To Eliminate Headaches Caused by Neck Pain headaches neck pain Apr 02, 2024

Dealing with neck pain related headaches can be incredibly bothersome, making simple tasks like moving your head or focusing difficult due to the neck pain, stiffness, head pain, burning eyes,...

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Effective Strategies for Immediate Myofascial Jaw Pain TMJ Relief tmj disorder Feb 29, 2024

Jaw or TMJ disorder can be debilitating at times but even more often it’s just distracting and annoying!  As a specialized Doctor of Physical Therapy focusing on TMJ disorders, Headaches...

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